Project Outline

I have put together a series of seven projects carefeully arranged to build skills and self confidence by the final project. The initial project will be an intoduction to examplesof mulitple, alternative styles of art, including examples of local artists. The families' will be given a chance to create a peice of artwork of anything they wish. The purpose is to be able to avaluate and acknowledge each families' artistic confidence.
    The second project will be a lesson in impermenance, with which to inspire families to let go of any preconcienved ideas about art. We will be creating chalk masterpeices just to watch them wash away. 
    Project three will be paper making. Four will be the construction of texture collages. The major emphasis of this project will be to foreshadow the skills needed for the final project. 
    For project five we will be creating found art sculptures from unique projects found around our homes. Again, the main purpose of this project is to build knowlegde for the final project. 
    Projects six and seven will be a part of the final project. Six, we'll construct the main structure for our art installment. Seven we'll complete our installment and celebrate our acomplishments. 
    As well as a lesson in art, we will be visiting various natural areas around london. We will have the opportunity to develop an appreciation for our imediate environment, as well as learn about it's unique characteristics.